Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Man's Identity Crisis

This has been on my heart for some time now.

It is not just teenagers searching for a way to fit in. It is not just college students seeking to answer the questions of what they believe and what they want and where they are going with their lives. It is not just middle aged people suffering from "empty nest" syndrome, or the newly retired or the elderly seeking answers to the question of what they can contribute to society....

Across the board, man (and by "man", I mean man and woman) struggles with his identity. We all ask ourselves, "What does it mean to be me?" Who am I? What are my gifts? My talents? My desires? And what good are they? What makes me unique? Why on earth am I here?

Questions of identity are so important. When they are adequately resolved, we gain a clearer sense of purpose, of mission.

This is my desire, to take some time and explore this topic of identity, with the hope that God will speak through me to touch others who are asking these same questions and bring us, together, to a deeper understanding of who we are and who we are meant to be, and how to live it with conviction.

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