Sunday, February 24, 2013

1. You are a Creature

The Creation of Adam, by Michaealangelo
This could be the subject of reflection for a long, long time:
You were created.
Not just born, but created.

Science puts forth several theories on the origins of man. The most well-known relate to the Big Bang theory, which states that a violent explosion of a small point of matter billions of years ago set into motion the processes which generated our Universe and all that is in it. And it was through random genetic mutations within organisms that species evolved from one another and also into human beings.

But then, where did that small point of matter come from? And what set it into motion?

St. Thomas Aquinas takes up these questions in his 5 proofs for the existence of God.
He argues that:

1. Nothing in the material world is the cause of itself, but everything in a chain of events has a first efficient cause. If it did not, there would be no subsequent causes. Therefore, if we observe the series of “causes” in the universe, we can ultimately trace this back to a First Cause, and we call that cause God.
2. Some things in the material world are in motion, and objects in motion must be set in motion by another object in motion. This chain cannot be traced backward indefinitely, but there must be an “Unmoved Mover” and we call that God.

Ponder this.
God created you.
He didn’t combine some craft supplies, graft together some left-over skin patches and glue on a mask He had lying around.
There was a time when you did not exist, and He imagined you and brought you into being.
Out of nothing.
He carved out your very fingerprints.

As the Scripture says,
You knit me in my mother’s womb; you formed my inmost being.” – Psalm 139: 13

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