Saturday, May 11, 2013

5. You are Beautifully Imperfect

You are imperfect.
You and me both.
It is a part of being human.
I make mistakes, and I hurt you.
I don’t mean to, but I do not always know the best way to love you.
And you don’t either.
And you mistakes, and you hurt me.
(It's okay, I forgive you.)
We are not perfect.
Our relationships are not perfect.
Our work is not perfect.
Our lives are not perfect.
How could they be,
When you are a part of them,
And so am I?
Two imperfect people.
Is there any hope for us?
Are mistakes and failure all that can be expected from us?
On our own, maybe so,
But we are not on our own.
We are not alone in this.
He understands our weakness, our frailty
He knows our hurts and our fears
He has borne our imperfections and our sins.
And He has embraced, overcome and redeemed.
Maybe when He looks at you, at me,
He does not see imperfection, but the intention
He does not see a blemish, but individuality
He does not see weakness, but an opportunity to show His strength
Maybe, just maybe, He does not see in the negative, but in the positive
Could it be that this struggle actually contains your greatest treasure?
Could it be that this pain will be the source of your deepest compassion?
Could it be that your greatest sin will be transformed into your greatest virtue?
You are imperfect, yes.
So am I.
But there is One Who is not.
And He who has brought us together –
Two broken, imperfect people –
And called us to love each other
Will not abandon us to our own devices
In His justice, He would not, could not, expect us to do something impossible
And it is impossible to love you
Without His help.
I simply don’t know how.
I make mistakes, and I hurt you.
(I ask your forgiveness.)
But I can do all things through Him who gives me strength.  
He alone can direct my misdirection, channel my passions,
And teach me to how to love you
The way that He loves.
Most blessed union!
When the three become one.

You are not perfect,
but you are you,
And I love that about you.

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